
My name is Madison Kusske. I am a junior here at UMassD. My major is Crime and Justice with a concentration in Pre-Law and my minor is Women’s and Gender Studies. Naturally I choose to comb through the blogs that focus on feminism rather than philosophy. I made my way to the one labeled ‘Her Me Out / Rape Culture and Women in the Media Blog’ (number 33). I really like the way this blog is set up, the author uses a combination of pictures to go with each of her posts. She also has a few podcasts attached to various posts to emphasize her discussions, which I think has both positive and negative qualities. Personally I don’t think I’d use a podcast within my blog because I feel it would be getting a little off task; but how her pictures add to her posts is definitely what I’m striving for in my own.

I’m from a very small town here in Massachusetts. Just this past weekend actually I had a few friends come visit my small town and I took them on a very short tour of the area. One of the places I took them was to the high school I graduated from. The road to get there is very long, winding and surrounded by woods. I never drive this road as most of my life takes place on the other side of town, but of course I did that day to get to my high school. About half way down this long road, what use to be all woods, full of trees, hiking trails and life was completely cleared out. The cleared out portion lasted about half a mile, hundreds of trees must have been taken down to accomplish this. This was a road I’ve driven a million times myself, let alone all the times I was strapped in my car seat with my legs swinging in the back. Each time I’d driven down it my view of nature was calming, now that was interrupted with man’s disruption. I have no idea why they cleared this specific piece of land out but the sight of it is quite disheartening. My only hope from here is that whatever is built onto this new and open land will help people that really need it.



One thought on “Introduction

  1. Wow! I am so sorry to hear that all these trees were cut down. It is unfortunate that animals have lost their homes. I hope it was a responsible decision to do so and this new demolished area does not becomes a typical “Dunkin”.

    Also, I hope you enjoyed your sight seeing and memory lane!

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